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Question & Answer highlights from the mentor group

Following the establishment of the free design community, there has been some valuable q&A from the group that I thought valuable to share more broadly.

Following the establishment of the free design community, there has been some valuable questions that has been asked by the group that I thought valuable to share more broadly. Feel free to join the group if you are a digital designer or student looking to meet like-minded people to support and learn together!

This article will be grown over time with additional question & answers as the community develops, so check back for any updates :)

How do I stand out when applying for a graduate design role at deloitte Digital?

Graduate positions at Deloitte are generally assessed based on academic performance. There is then a number of interviews and IQ/aptitude tests. In addition with design roles we often look for a folio with examples of your design thinking, process and approach. These can be either real projects or Uni/Theory projects (if the candidate is straight out of university). There are 2 ways that come to mind to stand out.

Firstly create a folio of outstanding work which showcases your thinking and your ability to execute outstanding work. The 2nd is to research and understand how Deloitte operates. How the team's are structured and what is expected from the consultants in the positions similar to that you are applying for. This will give you the framework to anchor how you position your value into the team.

Should i design my online portfolio with a strong personal creative brand (like yours) or keep it simple?

The approach/style for your folio comes down to: who you are trying target, what you are trying to convey, and the reasons for your folio. The purpose of my site is a place for me to experiment, play, and build a personal creative brand. Hence why I chose to create such a strong Visual Identity

I appreciate that if you were using your personal site to apply for a specific type role in a more corporate UX role this approach may not be appropriate and you would probably want your work, process and brands you have worked for to shine through.

What is a good structure to follow for creating a compelling case study on my website?

  • Consider who your target audience is and what they would want to know about your project.?
  • Firstly introduce your case study with a simple summary paragraph and a bullet point summary of your role. to help entice someone to explore more.
  • Map out the steps you took to create your solution with very short explanations to explain each step. Use associated photos and examples of your deliverables (Persona profiles, User Journeys, Wireframes, Customer testing , workshop photos etc)
  • If you have created any prototypes consider screen recordings highlighting the functionality.
  • Conclude with highlight any key takeaways or success metrics that your solution has achieved.
  • Learn from others. Look at how other designers and agencies have laid out their case studies and use these as a benchmark on hos to present your own.

Need Mentorship, career advice, or design guidance, feel free to join the community!